Right-sizing ERP for SMBs, Part 2: I Know This Because Tyler Knows This

“You had to give it to him. He had a plan, and it started to make sense in a Tyler sort of way. No fear, no distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.” —Fight Club

Regardless of the movie, this quotes stands on its own. It’s the reason for deciding to acquire an enterprise resource planning(ERP) solution. A small to medium-sized business (SMB) recognizes that innovation happens by execution, by focusing on its core and not getting distracted by what doesn’t matter.

Tyler Durden is a character in the movie. He’s an innovator and runs a small business that quickly turns into a thriving organization. Tyler is able to remain focused on execution while accommodating the different functional needs of his growing organization because he has a system that is customizable, flexible, and scalable.

Just Run With It
During one of the dialogues in the movie, Tyler Durden tells the main character, Jack, “People do it every day, they talk to themselves . . . they see themselves as they’d like to be, they don’t have the courage you have, to just run with it.” Unfortunately, this statement holds true for many SMBs. The truth is, there are no longer barriers to such tools that once only larger organizations could afford. With cloud ERP, the only barrier is the fear of tackling the daunting task of selection and implementation.

Of course, the main reason for implementing cloud ERP is to maximize efficiency and visibility. However, SMBs that have the courage to just run with it aren’t implementing cloud ERP opposed to on-premises ERP just because it’s the more economical choice. They’re implementing cloud ERP because it’s part of an overall strategy. They want enterprise-level services across the board—e-mail, storage, communication, and collaboration. In addition, SMBs prefer the cloud’s rapid delivery of software updates, releases, and patches, so they can have increased functionality, ease of use, reliability, and security sooner.

I Say Never Be Complete...
Tyler Durden says, “I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let’s evolve, let the chips fall where they may.” We’ve all been raised to believe that ERP was just for manufacturing, but it’s not, and we’re slowly learning that. Services see themselves as enterprises that need enterprise solutions. Many cloud ERP providers recognize this and offer modules of software for different functional areas. So SMBs don’t have to buy a complete, integrated suite of ERP software if it isn’t needed. In addition, because many services operate on a project basis, the cloud ERP’s scalability allows SMBs to increase or decrease end users as needs change.

The Things You Own End Up Owning You
“The things you own end up owning you,” notes Tyler Durden. Many SMBs get this concept. Besides the required front-end investment of on-premises ERP, SMBs don’t want to be bound by constraints like location, facilities, staff, and infrastructure. The truly innovative SMBs aren’t concerned with being “big” or “growing”: They know that ego is a big expense. They’d rather be agile and profitable, focusing resources on innovation and productivity instead of maintenance.

Obviously, when broken down into its basic elements, the decision to implement a cloud ERP solution makes sense for most SMBs. To execute their vision, SMBs have to just run with it. No fear, no distractions, letting that which does not matter truly slide.

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